Friday, November 8, 2013

Lessons Beyond Measure

Yesterday night at 7:30 PM I yet again lost another horse to cancer. Her name is Hailey and I had had her for 17 years. She taught me a lot and I value those moments with her. When I got the phone call yet again from my mom telling me she had died I just lost it. I literally thought about dropping out of school. The reason why is because I have not been here one semester yet without having something close to me pass away. My 1st semester of my 1st year my horse Diesel died, my 2nd semester of my 1st year my dog Molly died, my 1st semester of my 2nd year my dog Missy died, My 2nd semester of my 2nd year my grandma died, and now my 1st semester of my 3rd year my horse Hailey has joined them. But I told myself that that's not what I truly wanted and moved on took my exam this morning even though I was in no shape to take an exam. In reality horses teach you a lot they teach you to listen, to be calm, to be patience, to always be thinking about the next move, they teach you about teamwork, all in all horses teach you almost everything that you need to know. You always take something different from each horse you ever own or ride. Everytime you get on them you are training them and they are teaching you.


  1. You do make those connections that last a life time between the animals you have or work with. That was a good example of being tough and persevering through a tough time.

  2. That is sad to hear! I am sure animals mean a lot to you. They are family.
